First and Last Name
Street Address
City and State ~ I need this for paperwork and transport
Phone number, is text okay? ( its the best for us)
Would you like pet only pricing or will you be breeding
Email: please double check for accuracy and watch your spam folder, we respond to every application
Delivery or Local Pickup
Which puppy are you inquiring on? Name? Breed? Sex? Color? Advertised Price?
Are you of the legal age of 18 to purchase this dog?
Do all the adults living in the household agree to this purchase? Spouse, parents, roommate?
Do you live in a house/apartment/condo that allows pets?
If you rent/lease is it acceptable to have a puppy/dog where you currently live
Have you ever been convicted of animal abuse or cruelty?
Do you understand this puppy's vet, grooming, feeding, and housing needs?
Are you buying this puppy for yourself or someone else?
If you are buying a puppy for someone else do they have permission to own a dog?
Do you understand that a puppy is a life long commitment not till something happens
Do you understand that there are ongoing costs in the care of a puppy throughout his life?
Have you ever surrendered a dog/puppy to a shelter, family, or friend, explain if yes.
What is your time frame for getting a puppy
Do you plan on breeding or showing your puppy? or will it be spayed or neutered Explain
How did you hear about Big Holler Pups?
Do you understand that deposits are non refundable if you change your mind?Deposits No Personal checks. We will send you an invoice and you just click and pay. Invoices are due in full no less than 24 hours prior to puppy pick up, or we ONLY take cash at pick up, pickup meaning you are meeting us, not transport.
Have you read all information under Purchasing Your Puppy and bringing Puppy Home?
Do you understand that your puppy is not fully vaccinated until around 16 weeks of age and you will have to continue his puppy vacinations until your vet says he is complete? That you should avoid common areas and socilazing your puppy with other families/pets/ animals until this time for his protection?
Do you understand that your new puppy will need to continue on beweekly/monthly parasite control? Including worms, coccidia, giradia,
Your new puppy has been started on interceptor plus and will need to continue on a heartworm preventative for life every 28 days
Do you acknowledge that your new puppy must be seen by a veternairan within 3 business days? You MUST document his microchip on all vet reports, a copy of this initial visit must be sent to as ASAP to fullfill puppy health gurarantee. In the unfortunate event of death you must submit a narcropsy report.
If you are purchasing your new puppy for breeding, please elaborate on your breedign practices? how many years? how many dogs do you have? are you licensed and inspected? do you do any health testing?
Have you read, understand, and accept terms and conditions of our warranty
User Agreement